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How To Use Zoono Surface Sanitiser with Fogging Machines

For the antimicrobial product to commence working, it must dry and the most effective way to accelerate this process is to deliver the product at room temperature and at approx 20 microns. A fogging unit is best used for larger areas where it is impractical to treat via a trigger pack.
Fogging Machine Operator controlled settings
On fine settings, a fogger atomises 95% of its output to particles of 20 microns.
This is ideal for applying antimicrobial products. On heavy settings, 95% of its output is below 60 microns – perfect for treating areas where heavy wetting is desired.
When applying with heavy settings, not only will more Zoono product be used, but it will also take a greater time to dry.
Fogging Machine Application Instructions
- Either clean the area to be treated with a normal, reputable cleaning product or undertake the fogging operation just after the cleaners have finished / left.
- Note that Zoono is ready to use and does not require any mixing or diluting.
- Cover any “exposed” electronic component vents with temporary covers. Typically, this includes TVs, Flat Screens, Desktop PCs / VDU’s etc – anything that has ventilation requirements. As an added precaution, also cover food bowls, drinks, fish tanks, pet food etc.
- Set the Fogging Machine to deliver a fine mist but at the same time providing a thorough coverage. Typically, this is approx 15 - 20 microns (or enough to form a small bead on surfaces). This will typically take approx 10-15 minutes to dry.
- Commence at the furthermost point from the entry / exit door and direct the mist to the high point allowing it to fall naturally onto all surfaces. Avoid direct spraying into vents, electronic equipment and do not mist screen surfaces at all. Rather, apply the Zoono onto a clean micro-fibre cloth and wipe over hard surfaces and screen surrounds.
- ZOONO MUST BE ALLOWED TO DRY. This ensures that Zoono has formed a molecular bond with the surface to be treated. Depending on the surface area, humidity and the amount used, this is usually around 10 – 15 minutes. This is normal.
- Once dry, Zoono starts working and protecting against bacteria, fungi, viruses and algae.
- For most applications, Zoono can be expected to provide a lasting protection for up to a month. However, in extreme cases (critical hygiene food processing areas etc) Industry and NZFSA protocols may stipulate a more frequent application. Please check these guidelines.
- In between Zoono applications, the surface can still be regularly cleaned using conventional and traditional cleaning products – this will not affect the bonded, Zoono layer.
Fogging Machine Use for Recpetion Areas
- Cover the ventilation slots of electrical equipment.
- Commence the misting process at one corner of the room / area and work towards the main entry.
- Ensure the misting process also covers carpets etc beneath desks.
- In high traffic flow areas, pay attention to touch points including door handles, chairs, tables, etc.
- Ensure the entire area has been completely covered via the misting process.
- Remove any protective covers when leaving
- Report any faults to the customer
- Turn off lights as / when appropriate
Fogging Machine Use for Basic Office
- Cover the vents of any electrical equipment (computer screens etc) in the office.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Apply the mist to all chair fabrics.
- Apply mist to the carpet under the desk.
- Make sure you fully mist the entire room.
- Work your way towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used in the process.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off the lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Office Work Station
- Cover the vents of any electrical equipment
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point and work away from it (in one direction).
- Make sure you mist all chairs / carpet under desks etc
- Totally mist the area – there is no issue with mist settling on plants etc
- Remove any protective covers
- Report any faults to the customer
- Turn off lights and close the door
Fogging Machine Use for Conference Room
- Cover the vents of any electrical equipment (as required) before misting.
- Cover any food & drinks before misting.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Treat all carpet areas – including those under conference tables etc.
- Completely mist the room, working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer
- Turn off the light and close the door
Fogging Machine Use for Training Room
- Cover the vents of electrical equipment (as required) before commencing.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Make sure carpet under tables etc is covered by mist.
- Pay particular attention to sinks, rubbish areas etc.
- Remember to mist all food preparation areas.
- Fully mist the room working back towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used.
- Report any faults to the customer
- Turn off the light and close the door
Fogging Machine Use for Lecture Room
- Check for the presence of any electrical equipment.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Make sure all carpet under desks, tables etc is covered during the misting process.
- Mist all chairs etc during the process.
- Fully mist the room working back towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Kitchen
- Cover the vents of electrical equipment (as required) before commencing.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Pay special attention to key touch points including fridge doors, microwave buttons, coffee machines etc.
- Thoroughly mist the sink area / benches etc
- Mist the bin area – this eliminated odours from food scraps etc.
- Fully mist the room working backwards towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Lunch Room
- Cover the vents of electrical equipment (as required) before commencing.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Mist all walls within food preparation and lunchroom areas.
- Mist all food storage areas.
- Mist the sink and bench area.
- Mist all tables and chairs (and the floor covering under the table).
- Fully mist the room working back towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Gymnasium
- Check for the presence of any electrical equipment (running machines etc) and cover vents as required.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Make sure all gym equipment is misted as part of the process.
- Fully mist the room working back towards the door.
- Remove any protective covers used.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off the lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Production Area
- Cover vents of any electrical equipment (as required) before commencing.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Mist under desks etc as part of the process.
- Thoroughly treat key tough points such as door handles etc.
- Fully mist the room working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Changing Room
- Check for the presence of any electrical equipment within the area.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Pay particular attention to key touch points such as lockers, locker handles, door handles etc.
- Treat bins used for dirty overalls / towels etc.
- Treat all benches etc.
- Be sure to treat the floor area under seats,benches etc
- Fully mist the area working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door.
Fogging Machine Use for Laundry
- Cover the vents of any electrical equipment (as required) before commencing.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- In humid environments such as laundries, make sure that all walls are treated during the misting process.
- Take care to treat all key touch points / trolleys etc.
- Also make sure that the misting process includes the flooring under mobiles / trolleys etc.
- Fully mist the area working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off any lights & close the door when finished.
Fogging Machine Use for Toilets
- Check for the presence of electrical equipment (dryers etc) and protect as required.
- Commence the misting process at the furthermost point from the door.
- Make sure you treat all key touch points / flush buttons, cubicle doors, toilet seats, sanitary bins, toilet roll holders etc.
- Pay similar attention to benches / basins and also waste drains.
- Treat floor areas – under benches / below urinals etc.
- Make sure all partition walls are covered as part of the misting process.
- Fully mist the area working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer.
- Turn off lights and close the door when finished.
Fogging Machine Use for Stairwell
- Check for any electrical equipment and cover as required.
- Commence at the furthermost point from the entry / exit door.
- Mist all key touch points such as door handles, handrails etc.
- Make sure the misting process covers all floor surfaces.
- Fully mist the area working back towards the door.
- Report any faults to the customer
- Turn off all lights etc (if required) when finished.